What is a Chinchilla?

What exactly is a chinchilla? Are you thinking about adopting one of these cute creatures but still not quite sure what they are? You’re not alone. Many people are attracted to these grey fluffy animals. But a lot of people don’t know exactly what a chinchilla is. Are these creatures similar to rabbits? Or maybe … Read more

What is Chinchilla Fur Slip?

Chinchilla fur slip

What exactly is a chinchilla fur slip? No, this isn’t a piece of clothing. A fur slip is a defense tactic that chinchillas use to get out of dangerous situations. But if you own a pet chinchilla, it can be unsettling the first time you see a fur slip. What should you do next? And … Read more

Can Chinchillas and Cats Live Together?

ginger cat

Many pet owners have been there. You already have a pet and now you want to introduce another animal to your household. How is that going to work? In this post, we are going to cover cats and chinchillas. These may seem like common household pets that should get along. And sometimes, these creatures can … Read more

Do Chinchillas Bite?

do chinchillas bite

Biting is just part of owning a pet. Most cat and dog owners have been bitten by their pet at some point. But it is important to understand how much biting to expect. You should also understand why your pet wants to bite. So, if you are thinking about adopting a chinchilla you might be … Read more

What do Chinchillas Eat?

Chinchilla feeding

This is one of the most important questions a chinchilla owner needs to ask. What exactly do chinchillas eat? They are rodents, so do they follow the same dietary patterns as mice or squirrels? Don’t stress if you don’t know the answers. Chinchillas actually follow a simple diet. They mostly consume hay and water. But … Read more

Can Chinchillas and Guinea Pigs Live Together?

guinea pig

Are you thinking about adopting a chinchilla? Before you do, make sure it will get along with your other pets. In this post, we are going to cover chinchillas and guinea pigs. Guinea pigs might seem like they are good companions for chinchillas. But unfortunately, chinchillas and guinea pigs don’t get along. And they should … Read more

What is the Natural Habitat of Chinchillas?

Chinchilla natural habitat

Wait, where are chinchillas from? If you are considering adopting a chinchilla, you probably want to know everything about these adorable creatures. In order to create a perfect environment for your pet, you need to understand their natural habitat. Wild chinchillas are found in South America. But do you know what their habitats look like? … Read more

Are Chinchillas Nocturnal?

Chinchilla dust bath

Before adopting a pet, it is important to know their sleep habits. If you are considering adopting a chinchilla, you should know that they don’t follow our sleep-wake cycle. So does that mean they are nocturnal? Technically chinchillas are crepuscular, not nocturnal. But hold on, what exactly does crepuscular mean? And what does this mean … Read more

Do Chinchillas Smell?

Chinchilla cute

Have you thought about adopting a chinchilla? Are you worried about their potential odor? Well, don’t stress. Unlike other rodents, chinchillas don’t smell. In fact, they are pretty much odorless (even their feces). But, if you do notice a smell coming from your chinchilla, this is a sign that something might be wrong. You should … Read more

Chinchilla Lifespan- How Long Do They Live?

Chinchilla lifespan

There are many factors to consider before adopting a pet. You need to know what they eat, how active they are, and potential health concerns. But it is also important to know their life expectancy. This is no different for chinchillas. Before adopting a chinchilla, you need to understand how long they will live. And … Read more