
I created this chinchilla website to provide you with the most up-to-date information and advice available online for all things chinchilla!


I love chinchillas! I own chinchillas and care for them as a zookeeper on a daily basis. They are adorable and one of my favorite animals to have as in your home. I want to share my passion for chinchillas in a fun and accessible way, while ensuring you are aware of their unique needs as exotic pets.

holding jasper my chinchilla
My chinchilla Jasper

My Goal

The aim of this blog is to become the best resource for all your chinchilla needs and provide you with the most comprehensive guides and product reviews online.

  • Provide useful, well-researched, in-depth content
  • Unbiased product reviews
  • Build a chinchilla community with like-minded owners to share information

What I won’t do

  • Promote low quality products
  • Give biased or misleading reviews

If you have any topics you would like covering or any suggestions for the blog you can contact me here.

All the best